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French Leave: versions and perversions (Broken Sleep, 2023)
French Leave plays variations on themes and forms of French verse from mid-nineteenth century Gautier and Gérard de Nerval, through Baudelaire and Rimbaud, to Valéry and Apollinaire on the eve of the First World War.

A narrative sequence exploring Rimbaud's life and work.

Satyr (Shoestring Press, 2017)
In Satyr the Elizabethan Malcontent Satyrist, chanelled through Cliff’s poems, paintings and drawings, returns from the dead to appraise the contemporary world.

Pilgrim Tongues (Wrecking Ball, 2015)
Cliff's most recent collection Pilgrim Tongues travels from Hull to Vietnam and back, by way of Israel, Transylvania, California and Cambodia. Pilgrim Tongues includes and continues the voyages Cliff embarked on with Wake which, with Selima Hill’s Advice on Wearing Animal Prints, was joint-winner of the Flarestack Pamphlet Prize 2009.

Vandemonian (Arc, 2013)
Vandemonian focuses on Van Diemen's Land and its inhabitants - human and animal, newcomer and Aborigine - to piece together a fragmentary history of Tasmania.

Trans (The Collective Press, Wales 2005)
Trans culminates in a rewriting of the Metamorphoses - Ovid meets a gross-out freak circus to chat about everything from bodily modification to virtual survival: Lord Rochester's monkey; Enigma's horns; the Reincarnation of Saint Orlan; Kevin Cyborg; sex changes and do-it-yourself surgery. It's myth. It's life, but not as we know it, Jim.

Poems in Progress: Elemental
Poems in progress: Elemental, sequence of elegies

Translations: versions and perversions
Translation and adaptations of, or variations and perversions on, poems by Apollinaire, Rilke and Sextus Propertius. There are more translations (from Lorca, Octavio Paz and others on my blog).

Earlier Collections
Poems from earlier collections:
The Dade Country Book of the Dead(1995)
Strange Tongues(1994)
Esau's Children(1994)
Himalayan Fish(1991)